The Planetary Geochemistry Group

CosmoGeo Lab
News & Media
02/2025 - Media Coverage - Daman's recent publication Science Advances is receiving media attention! Catch the latest here: phys.org, Space Daily, earth.com and The Debrief!
02/2025 - Publication - New research published in Science Advances where Daman, along with Surjyendu Bhattacharjee, Bidong Zhang, Nicole Nie and Yoshinori Miyazaki, use equilibrium partitioning models to show that MVE depletion in terrestrial planets is probably linked to MVE loss during planetesimal collisions rather than incomplete condensation or MVE loss during planetesimal differentiation.
01/2025 - Publication - New research published in The Planetary Science Journal where Daman and Varun use equilibrium partitioning models to constrain the contribution of differentiated late accretion impactor(s) to the volatile budget of the bulk silicate Earth. Congrats on your first publication with the Group, Varun!
01/2025 - Publication - New research published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta where Daman, along with Surjyendu Bhattacharjee (Caltech), Paul Asimow, and Gabriel-Darius Mardaru (Harvard), use high P-T experiments to constrain N isotope fractionation between solid and liquid metal to develop iron meteorites as proxies for constraining the origin of volatiles on Earth.
01/2025 - Workshop - Harsh attended the Workshop on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry at ASU.
10/2024 - Upcoming Move - The CosmoGeo Lab is moving to the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at Yale University next summer!
09/2024 - Publication - New research published in Geophysical Research Letters where Kyusei Tsuno (ASU) and Daman, along with other scientists at ASU, conduct high P-T experiments to determine the dihedral angle between Fe-Ni melt and ringwoodite to understand N deficit in the bulk silicate Earth.
08/2024 - Publication - New research published in The Planetary Science Journal where Daman, along with Yoshinori Miyazaki (Caltech), and Nicole Nie, use equilibrium partitioning models to constrain the contribution of the Moon-forming impactor to the volatile budget of the bulk silicate Earth.
08/2024 - Conference - Daman gave a talk at the 2024 Goldschmidt Conference. Click here to view the conference abstract.
08/2024 - New Members - Harsh Thakur from IISc, Bengaluru (India) and Mithil Rajput from IIT Kharagpur (India) have joined the CosmoGeo Lab. Welcome!
05/2024 - Seminar Series - Daman gave a talk at the Rocky World Discussions, Virtual Seminar Series.
04/2024 - Media Coverage - Daman featured in ASU News!
03/2024 - Colloquium - Daman gave a talk at the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Yale University.
03/2024 - Conference - Daman gave a talk at the 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC). Click here to view the conference abstract.
02/2024 - Colloquium - Daman gave a talk at the School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE), ASU.
01/2024 - Publication - New research published in Nature Astronomy where Daman, along with Nicole Nie (MIT), Bidong Zhang (UCLA), Andre Izidoro (Rice), and Paul Asimow (Caltech), use iron meteorite data to show that the earliest planetesimals in the inner solar system formed beyond the water snowline.
01/2024 - Workshop - Daman and Varun attended the 2nd FORCE Winter Workshop at ASU.
01/2024 - New Member - Varun Manilal from NISER, Bhubaneshwar (India) has joined the CosmoGeo Lab. Welcome!
01/2024 - Foundation - Daman started as an Assistant Professor (and PI of the CosmoGeo Lab) at ASU!