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Damanveer Grewal (Daman)

Principal Investigator

Daman started as an Assistant Professor at ASU in January 2024. He received his integrated B.S. and M.S. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur in 2012. Before joining graduate school, Daman taught physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry to high school students preparing for engineering and medical school entrance exanimations and chemistry Olympiads. In December 2021, Daman received his PhD in Experimental Cosmochemistry from Rice University, Houston, where he worked with Prof. Rajdeep Dasgupta. Daman moved to the California Institute of Technology in January 2022 to work with Prof. Paul Asimow as a Barr Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow.

At ASU, Daman's work aims to be at the interface between cosmochemistry, geochemistry, planetary and exoplanetary science, utilizing state-of-the-art high pressure experimental facilities at FORCE to understand the formation of habitable worlds in our solar system and beyond.

Download Daman's latest resume:

Damanveer Grewal (Daman)

Created and maintained by Amrita P Vyas | © Damanveer Singh Grewal

Banner image credit:

CosmoGeo Lab
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